Sunday 11 March 2012

The law of accessories...

I am a simple girl when it comes to accessories. There are a few rules I stick by...the main one being "more is more." I like to make a statement with my jewels and recently my main inspiration seems to be Mr T and rude girls. If it looks like I would send an airport metal detector into overdrive chances are I'll buy two, oh and wear them both at once! I also have a thing for pearls... But by wearing piles of them I feel it looks more edgy Parisienne rather than twee grandma. I like the way that this attitude to accessorising adds a quirky juxtaposition to an otherwise minimal or sophisticated outfit. If money were no object I'd be piled high in Mawi, Lanvin and vintage YSL or Chanel from Susan Caplan. All of these brands inspire my accessories look every season as they are the best at statement accessories. I like to think one day I'll grow up and look more haute couture than haphazard bag lady, but for the moment I'm thoroughly enjoying the ride.

Another rule I live by is "vintage, vintage, vintage!" Some of the best pieces I've loved (and lost) have been vintage. It's brilliant quality, as I find it tends to tarnish less than new purchases. Secondly, I love the idea of of my accessories being unique and me not looking like every other girl.

My last rule is one bold accessory or the other. I never pile high with more than one type, for instance if I'm rocking door knocker creole earrings I either don't wear anything else or if I do I keep it super super minimal. So if I'm belting my waist, no piles of pearls and gold. If might sound contradictory but I make a BOLD statement, just in one way.

So there you have...the laws of finishing off my look.

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