Monday, 14 November 2011

The Help...

the help
last week i watched the help, directed by Tate Taylor. i thought it was one of the most beautiful, inspiring and generally wonderful films i have ever seen. WATCH IT! In a world where we all think we are hard-done by, this film makes you realise we have it just peachy, and to be thankful.

This weekend...

this weekend...
I have been mostly illustrating. I also threw a little calorie-tastic sleepover for two of my dearest friends. It involved wine, baked goods and Pretty Woman. Which in my opinion is one of the most brilliant , cult films of all time. Guilty pleasure, yes. Culturally marvellous, no. I do have a list of films I adore that would get me more cultural credibility, however sometimes you just need Pretty Woman!

my first...

This is me...
This is my first post, and weirdly I am very scared! silly I know but putting yourself out there totally is quite scary. anyway I decided to be brave and get blogging...anyhow i thought i'd start by putting some of my work up on here and go from there...